Bc. Vít Šrámek

Certifikovaný profesionální kouč, kouč-mentor, kouč-trenér a facilitátor
... protože věřím, že to jde to jde ještě lépe!

Preferred Areas

Management a specialisté Top Executive Týmový koučink Životní koučink

Koučovací praxe

Hours Of Practice 2000 hours
ICF Education 265 hours
Other Education 112 hours

I work as a professional coach since 2009. Previously I was working as a manager in Oskra/Vodafone, Oracle and banking industry. Since I left the corporate world I discovered for myself the coaching. This is the place I can bring the biggest value to a clients. This is possible because of my personality type and long-term coaching experience. My typical client is a corporate manager, leader, top talent and also teams. I also provide a life coaching. I still improve ma professional skills.

Other activities from my professional portfolio is facilitation and mentoring. I also support other coaches as their mentor and trainer.

Nadále a neustále se vzdělávám.

I follow the highest standards of ICF professional coaching. Also I use Neuro-Lingvistic Programming (NLP) and Systemic constellations. I also share my experiences with coaching and facilitation to managers and other students of coaching.

I believe that ... where is the will there is the way!

Specific Trainings Completed

Name Educational Institution Hours Training Type Graduation Year Certificate
Master-Practitioner in the Art of NLP Kristina Klimszová, Certified NLP Trainer 96 Bez ICF akreditace 2013 Náhled
Standing in Contribution: A Trainers Training Erickson Coaching International 56 ICF CCEU 2010 Náhled
The Art & Science of Coaching Erickson Coaching International 125 ICF 2009 Náhled
NLP Academy Erickson Coaching International 84 ICF CCEU 2009 Náhled
Týmový koučink v praxi Koučink centrum 16 Bez ICF akreditace 2009 Náhled

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